You’ll Never Walk Alone • Captain Tom Moore, Michael Ball & The NHS Voices of Care Choir
An extraordinary single at an extraordinary time
I arranged and recorded the NHS Voices of Care Choir within a 12-hour window during the first UK Covid lockdown to support this charity single, which reached number #1 in May 2020. Captain Sir Tom became the oldest person to achieve a number one record, and it was the fastest selling record in 2020 selling 82,000 units that week.
100% of Captain Tom, Michael Ball and Decca Records’ proceeds from the single are donated to Captain Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday Walk in aid of NHS Charities Together which supports the incredible NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients (Charity Registration No. 1186569)
I formed the NHS Voices of Care Choir online during the pandemic, recruiting more than 60 willing singers through our amazing network of choral singers and their friends and families in the UK. Each singer received music parts and tuition, then sent me their voice recording, which I collated and edited together.
Later that year, some of these lovely singers then came with me to Blackpool to rehearse and perform in person with Michael at The Royal Variety Show in December 2020.